
While django-robust-i18n-urls does not expose any particular APIs to end users (it’s designed as a plug&play app) it won’t hurt to know what is going on under the hood.


This module contains urlpatterns variable that can be used as a drop-in replacement for urplatterns contained in django.conf.urls.i18n.


This module contains a single view that is used to change locale of current user, and can be used as a drop-in replacement for set_language view from django.views.i18n.set_language


set_language view works in a fasion similar to Django’s original one. The key differences are:

  • It does not allow GET requests, they will result in a 405 response. Only POST method is allowed.
  • If a URL path specified in request.REQUEST[‘next’] can be matched against a specific view, instead of issuing an immediate redirect, the set_language will first reverse the match to obtain a request path in language of user’s choosing.
  • If a URL path specified in request.REQUEST[‘next’] cannot be matched to any view, a redirection will be issued to it anyway.


This module containse the RobustI18nLocaleMiddleware that, next to robust_urls.view.set_language is the app’s main component.


This middleware’s process_response method will touch only responses with status_code 404. It will try to match the URL using languages in order specified in LANGUAGES setting. If a match is not found, the response is returned unchanged. If a match is found, the result of rendering the view’s response is returned instead. This method also takes care to set proper (matched) locale in user’s session or language cookie.



This context manager will execute given block making sure that language provided as argument is active during execution. On exit will call translation.deactivate.

with locale_context('pl_PL'):
    print _('Good Morning')  # will print 'Dzień Dobry'

Warning! `locale_context` calls `transaction.deactivate` so it is ill suited for use inside views. In future versions it will probably hold to a locale used before the manager was endered, and activate it on exit instead of calling `transaction.deactivate`. This api will change!


A simple helper that takes path, language and resolver arguments. Will try to resolve path using resolver, in context of given language. If no match is found will return None instead of raising an exception. If match is found will return whatever resolver returns (ResolverMatch instance).