

You can install the most recent version directly from pypi:

pip install django-robust-i18n-urls

For development

If you want to develop the application yourself (or just like living on the bleeding edge) just checkout the code:

git checkout https://github.com/karolmajta/django-robust-i18n-urls.git

Install it as a code drop:

pip install -e .

Install development requirements (this will fetch Sphinx and Mock):

pip install -r requirements.txt

To run tests issue:

python setup.py test


To make sure your users won’t get 404 responses when using urls for locales other than reported by their browser just modify your MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES setting, by adding robust_urls.middleware.RobustI18nLocaleMiddleware.

If you plan on providing users with an url for changing their current language just inlcude in your urls.py:

import robust_urls.urls

# ...

urlpatterns += patterns(url(r'/i18n/', include(robust_urls.urls)))